2011. nov 18.

World Science Forum 2011. Budapest, Day 2/5 - Forum of global fora: sharing knowledge for global challenges

írta: Janguli
World Science Forum 2011. Budapest, Day 2/5 - Forum of global fora: sharing knowledge for global challenges

    18 November 14:30 - 16:30 PLENARY SESSION V. Forum of global fora: sharing knowledge for global challenges

    Venue: Ceremonial Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

    Chaired by: Dong-Pil Min, Honorary Chairman Seoul S&T Forum

    A tudomány katalizátor, legyen szó akár oktatásról, gazdaságról, nemzetközi fejlesztésről vagy más fontos területekről - hangsúlyozták a nemzetközi fórumok képviselői.
    A globális fórumok fóruma, a tudás megosztása a globális kihívások legyőzésére című plenáris ülésen elhangzott, fejleszteni kell a párbeszédet, hogy elérjék a célt: a nagyobb összefogást az emberiség érdekében. Ezt szolgálja a globális fórumok fóruma - értettek egyet az ázsiai, európai és amerikai szervezetek képviselői, valamint az OECD és a Világbank képviselője.

    Professor Dong-Pil Min recently completed 3 years of his chairmanship at the Korea Research Council of Fundamental Science and Technology (KRCF) which establishes the policies of 13 Korean government-funded research institutions as their common Board of Trustees. In 2010 he launched an international forum of public research institutes for science and science policy, Seoul Science & Technology Forum, to provide an arena for the serious discussion about global challenges and to start an effective cooperation against them. 
    He led the “Science and Business Belt Task Force” of the 17th Presidential Transition committee in 2008. Min previously held several leadership positions including vice president of Koran Physical Society, Chair of National Information Research Center Council and Director General of Korea Research Foundation. For the previous 28 years he was Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Seoul National University. Min received his Ph.D and Docteur-es-Science in Theoretical Physics from the University of Paris in 1976 and 1980 respectively.

    Video: World Science Forum 2009 - Dong-Pil Min

    Recommended link: UK and Korea stand together for the future of science

A nemzetközi fórumok nagyon sokat tehetnek, és nem csak a politika és a tudomány terén - hangsúlyozta Tong Pil Min, a plenáris ülés elnöke. "A tudomány világtérképét mi változtatjuk meg a párbeszéddel és a tudás megosztásával a globális kihívások megválaszolására. A probléma lehet globális, a megoldások viszont lokálisak- emelte ki a dél-koreai szakember, a szöuli S&T Forum tiszteletbeli elnöke. 

    Joshua Mandell, World Bank, STI Global Forum

Joshua Mandell

Joshua Mandell is a Science and Technology Program Officer at The World Bank.

Prior to his current position, he was the Senior Science and Technology Adviser at the British Embassy in Washington, DC, where he was responsible for research collaboration between the UK and US, trade and investment opportunities in S&T, and science policy. Before joining the UK Worldwide S&T Network in July 2003, Mandell worked as an environmental scientist and policy consultant for the United States Air Force and in the private sector where he specialized in areas of geology, hydrology, geographic information systems, remote sensing and environmental regulatory policy. He also served in the Office of the Vice President at the White House.

Video: World Science Forum 2009 STI Capacity Building Partnerships for Sustainable Development  

Joshua Mandell, a Világbank tudományos és technológiai programjának felelőse arról beszélt, hogy a nemzetközi fejlesztés gondjainak megoldása a tudomány , a technológia és az innováció révén valósulhat meg. A Világbank folyamatosan keresi annak lehetőségét, hogy a tudomány  és technológia kivehesse részét a fejlesztésből. A Világbank szerint olyan akciótervek kellenek - a szervezet maga is ilyet állított össze -, amelyeket a fejlődés érdekében valamennyi ország felhasználhat, és igényei szerint alakíthat.

    Tomihiro Taniguchi, Japan STS forum

    Tomihiro Taniguchi Tanigucsi Tomihiro, a japán STS Forum igazgatója szerint a globális fórumok összehozzák a politikai vezetőket, a politikacsinálókat, az üzletembereket, a tudósokat, hogy az egyenlőség elve alapján alakítsák a folyamatokat. A legfontosabb kérdések között az energiát és a környezetet, a nukleáris biztonságot, a globális egészségügyet nevezte meg. A globális fórumoknak a tudomány bevonásával kell válaszokkal szolgálniuk az idősödő társadalmak jelentette problémákra, a városok fenntarthatóságára, az urbanizációra, valamint az élelmezésre. Mindezekben kiemelt szerep jut a diplomáciának.



    Richard O'Kennedy, President, London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF)


Video: World Science Forum 2009 Developing Excellent and Responsible Internationally Aware Scientists 





Alan l. Leshner, CEO, AAAS

Dr. Leshner has been Chief Executive Officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Executive Publisher of the journal Science since December 2001. AAAS (triple A-S) was founded in 1848 and is the world's largest, multi-disciplinary scientific and engineering society.

Before coming to AAAS, Dr. Leshner was Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) from 1994-2001. One of the scientific institutes of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, NIDA supports over 85% of the world's research on the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction.

Before becoming Director of NIDA, Dr. Leshner had been the Deputy Director and Acting Director of the National Institute of Mental Health. He went to NIMH from the National Science Foundation (NSF), where he held a variety of senior positions, focusing on basic research in the biological, behavioral and social sciences, science policy and science education.

Dr. Leshner went to NSF after 10 years at Bucknell University, where he was Professor of Psychology. He has also held long-term appointments at the Postgraduate Medical School in Budapest, Hungary; at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center; and as a Fulbright Scholar at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Dr. Leshner is the author of a textbook on the relationship between hormones and behavior, and has published over 150 papers for both the scientific and lay communities on the biology of behavior, science and technology policy, science education, and public engagement with science.

Dr. Leshner received an undergraduate degree in psychology from Franklin and Marshall College, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physiological psychology from Rutgers University. He also has been awarded six honorary Doctor of Science degrees. Dr. Leshner is an elected fellow of AAAS, the National Academy of Public Administration, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and many other professional societies. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science and Vice-Chair of its governing Council. He was appointed to the National Science Board by President Bush in 2004 and reappointed by President Obama in 2011.

Videos: Advancing Science · Serving Society

Global Research

National Security and the Open Research Environment

Therapeutic vs. Reproductive Cloning


    Peter Tindemans ESOF

Video: World Science Forum 2009 Euroscience Open Forum

    Peter Tindemans is Dutch, holds a PhD in theoretical physics and 58 years. His interest in science and society issues goes back to the late 60-ties when he co-founded the Physics and Society group at Leiden University. He was a board member and international secretary of the Verbond van Wetenschappelijke Onderzoekers and on the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Scientific Workers. He pursued a career in science, technology and innovation policy, co-ordinated Dutch Innovation Policy in 1979 and became responsible for the whole research and science policy in the Netherlands. Heavily involved in all European Framework Programmes, he chaired the OECD Megascience Forum during its whole lifetime. Since 1998 he works independently in helping countries e.g. in Africa and the Middle-East set up their STI policies and research and education systems, is heavily involved in large infrastructures for science in Europe, e.g. by chairing the European Spallation Source efforts, and also in regional innovation policies. He is a founder member of Euroscience, a Governing Board member in 2001-2008, convenor of the Science Policy Working Group and has been instrumental in creating on behalf of Euroscience together with the European Life Sciences Forum and e.g. the ESF the Initiative for Science in Europe, a platform for all European organizations in science and technology.

    Raphaela Kitson-Pantano, ESOF (European Science Open Forum)



    Won-Hoon Park, President, Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA)

Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA)

The Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA) is a non-profit international organization, established in 2000, with interests in science and technology. The AASA aims to provide a forum for scientists to discuss and to offer advice on issues related to science and technology, research and development and the application of technology to national development in Asian and Australasian countries.

The Association participates in a number of international cooperation programmes aimed at creating a network of interdisciplinary contacts among the academies in the region, providing advice on the role of science in national development and facilitating the exchange of scientists and information among AASA countries. It is constituted by 24 Member Academies and 2 Associate Member Academies.

Stefan Michalowski, OECD Global Science Forum








    Venue: Reading Room, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    This session is for selected audience only.

    16:30 - 17:00 COFFEE BREAK

    Venue: Academy Club and Krúdy Hall, Hungarian Academy of Sciences


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world science forum aaas world science forum 2011 world science forum budapest alan l leshner