2011. nov 18.

Neuroscience and Networks / Idegtudomány és hálózatok I.

írta: Janguli
Neuroscience and Networks / Idegtudomány és hálózatok I.

World Science Forum 2011. Day 2/2

 11:30 "Neuroscience and Networks"- Thematic session Hungarian Academy of Sciences   Recent scientific progress in the understanding of highly complex systems, in the development of a global world economy, in world-wide communication and information exchange (e.g. internet), and in countless…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

vizi e szilveszter hálózatkutatás kati marton hungarian academy of sciences tamás vicsek albert lászló barabási lászló acsády e. sylvester vizi neurosciences networks neuroscience skálafüggetlen arány Acsády László

2011. nov 18.

Neuroscience and Networks / Idegtudomány és hálózatok II.

írta: Janguli
Neuroscience and Networks / Idegtudomány és hálózatok II.

World Science Forum 2011. Day 2/2

  Eörs Szathmáry - Eötvös Loránd University Budapest "Chemical networks and the origins and nature of life” Eörs Szathmáry (born 1959) is a Hungarian theoretical evolutionary biologist at the late Collegium Budapest (Institute for Advanced Study and at the Department of Plant Taxonomy…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

hálózatkutatás kati marton hungarian academy of sciences tamás vicsek albert lászló barabási lászló acsády e. sylvester vizi neurosciences networks skálafüggetlen arány

2007. nov 06.

World Science Forum Budapest 2007 - Washington, D. C.

írta: Janguli
World Science Forum Budapest 2007 - Washington, D. C.

Organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences together with UNESCO, ICSU, and the European Union, and followed with larger than usual international attention, World Science Forum - Budapest will get underway in a month's time, on 8 November, 2007. Its slogan (Investing in Knowledge:…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

world science kati marton world science forum werner arber sir george radda forum 2007 el hassan bin talal goverdhan mehta

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