Jordan to Host World Science Forum in 2017
In four years from now the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan will organise the next World Science Forum, it was resolved by an unanimous vote cast by the steering committee of WSF in Rio de Janeiro. On the recommendation by MTA president and WSF chairman József Pálinkás WSF's Steering Committee will include in future both the current and future organisers of the meeting, namely representatives of the Academies of Science of Brazil and Jordan.
With due regard to the global significance of the event, as initiated by József Pálinkás MTA president and WSF chairman, the 2010 steering committee resolved that while keeping Budapest as its anchor city, every fourth year from 2013 onward the event should take place in countries outside Europe. The sixth WSF this year is organised with the theme „Science for sustainable development," because the influence and responsibility of science have never been so pronounced in handling global challenges and turning the principles of global sustainability into reality.
At the meeting of the Steering Committee after the welcome addresses by JózsefPálinkás, Gretchen Kalonji, deputy director in chief of UNESCO responsible for science affairs, and Jacob Palis, president of the Brazilian Academy of Science, a co-chairman of 2013 WSF, those present went on to discuss and approve the draft of a closing declaration of the Forum.
The document, which is a summary of what has been accomplished and the common goals and stands taken, will be put up for voting by WSF chairman József Pálinkás and co-chairman Jacob Palis. Following the adoption of the declaration, and besides the above mentioned presidents of academies, Antonio Raup, minister in charge of scientific affairs in Brazil, Halo Ping, the president of UNESCO's general assembly and the Princess of JordanSumaya bint El Hassan, the representative of 2017 World Science Forum to be hosted by Jordan, will also deliver their messages.
The Hungarian Academy of Science has been acting as chief organiser of WSF since 2003 and has hosted it five times so far. This international meeting created as the fruit of the joint effort of the most influential scientific organisations in the world has become a real success story for Hungary, and has turned out to be the most prestigious event of diplomacy on behalf of scientists. The event organised biannually is the only scientific forum in the world where representatives of science have the opportunity to run a dialogue with societies and decisions makers in a formal framework and reflecting on a complex set of discussion criteria. WSF offers a unique opportunity for the participants to discuss the role of science and the social and economic impacts of research findings.