Milyen etikai problémákkal kell szembenézniük a kutatóknak a huszonegyedik század elején? Ez az egyik fő kérdése az idei World Science Forumnak, amelyet a két évvel ezelőtti jordániai tanácskozást követően idén ismét Budapesten tartanak. A rendező Magyar Tudományos Akadémia elnöke, Lovász László az…
Dr. Michio Kaku
Kaku is one of the world's most recognized scientists. He has 3 million fans on Facebook, and half a million fans follow him on Twitter. He has written three NY Times Best Sellers: The Physics of the Impossible, the Physics of the Future, and the Future of the Mind, which hit number…
Ambassador Katalin Bogyay, Hungary’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, member of the World Science Forum’s Steering Committee and Dr. Sima Sami Bahous, Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations hosted the high-level event entitled “Science for Peace” at UN Headquarters’…
Representatives of many of the world's top science research organisations have endorsed a call for a universal code of conduct on the rights, freedom and responsibilities of scientific workers, demanding that such a code be recognised by, and built into, the legislation of individual countries. The…